Delivering Powerful & Persuasive Presentation
Course Overview
This is a hand-on high impact workshop to equip executives with effective presentation skills and practical step-by-step techniques to win confidence and desired business results.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:-
- Acquire and apply the techniques of making an engaging business presentation.
- Learn and apply skills to structure their presentation style for desired results.
- Increase their ability to present persuasively and to turn information in action.
- Deliver powerful presentations that link appropriate emotions to key messages.
Course Outline
1. Presentation Effectiveness Assessment
- A self scoring presentation effectiveness assessment to help you identify your strengths and challenges in delivering high impact and persuasive presentations.
2. Fundamentals of Business Presentations –
- The key mechanics of a Business Presentation.
- What works and what don’t.
- The importance of delivery skills.
- Emotions vs Facts.
3. Planning Your Presentation & Audience Analysis.
- Knowing your audience – their background, motivation & expectations, what they need to know, want to know and don’t need to know.
- How to generate ideas for a presentation. Specifying the purpose of your presentation. Establishing a theme or a angle for your presentation.
4. Planning Your Delivery Tactics and Strategies for getting onto a positive opening.
- 10 sure fire grabbers to capture your audience’s attention.
- Linking from opening to the theme of your presentation.
- Creating the logic in the flow.
- Building the emotional highs, and effective ending to the speech.
5. Setting The Stage Right - Survival checklist of :
- Presentation essentials - from location, timing, seating arrangements to AV aids.
6. Putting the Sizzle into the Sell
- Understanding Persuasion - Facts and Myths about Persuasion.
- The key to Effective Persuasion : Art of managing expectations and perception.
- Getting from Perception to Decision.
- Getting audience from Decision to Action.
7. The 3 V’s of Presentation
- Developing a positive posture, effective gestures.
- Polishing your vocal, tone of voice and choice of words.
8. Handling the Q&A
- To have or not have a Q&A.
- Managing Tough moments: silence, loaded questions, emotional outbursts, & objections.
9. Presenting to an International Audience
- 10 Things to watch out for when presenting to an International Audience: from accent, to anecdotes, to cultural sensitivity, etc.
10. Personal Action Plan
Developing a personal action plan towards being a powerful & persuasive presenter.
Training Methodology
Mini Lectures, Games & Simulations, Group Interaction & Discussions. Individual Critique & Feedback.
Who Should Attend
All managers and executives who need to present effectively for successful results.
Program Duration
2 days